Sunday, December 12, 2010

"The Crucible"

                              The Crucible is a story where witchcraft is believe to be done. Even though is not some people start to accuse others of having contact with the devil. Thats consider as witchcraft in The Crucible. It all begin with a game and then everything got out of hand.  A group of girls playing on doing witch stuff and one particular girl got all of this very serious. Her name Abigal Williams and she was one of the main characters just like John Proctor. But Even though they had something going on between them. John would think complitely different as Abigal use to think. As i was saying Abigal was the girl that had alot to do with all the bad misadertandings that where going on in salem's where all of this point less muders happen.                       It all begin with some girls playing on beliving they could make witchcraft it was at night in a forest. But what they didn't imagine is that they would be cought playing this little game by some men. And like this was forbitten in there religion. This girls had to go and explain thereselfs to the minister of salem's. So Abigal disided that she was going to admite she was there dancing to with Tituba, but wasent doing any witchcraft like Tituba was. She said that her and her friend did not had anything to do with witchcraft. So she blaime Tituba of practizinin witch craft that night. Because Tituba was a salve people did believe that she might really have contact with the devil. After she was accuse by Abigal another people accuse her of taking to the dead. There were accusations against her and no body believe that she was inosent. So she dicide to accept what others where saying about her only to not get hang. If she or anybody else would accept that they are practizing witchcraft then the minister would do something to lead them into a good way.                         Another thing is that after all of that happen with Tituba. Then there was more pople getting accuse of practizing witchcraft. Abigal and some other people were just accusing other of been doing witchcraft just because they did something different form what they mostly do everyday. Abigal and other girls where just faking to be posses by the devil and this was say to John from Betty. One of the girls that was in contact with Abigal. What nobody know is that Abigal had something going on with John. They had a relantionship even though John was marry and had two kids. Abigal use to work for him and his wife. But John wife told her to leave for no resoan. Maybe? she knew somethiing was going on with her husband and Abigal. Anyways like some people didn't want to accept that they did practice witchcraft they were hang even though there were not really evidence on what they were being accuse of doing.                               After a wild things got really bad alot of inosent people where being hang and hang. There was no evidence and the people would just take there conclusions and what everyone else said the accuse didn't had the word or power to defend there selfs. Also the minister would do anything to get him/her to addmit that they are guilty. John was shock when he knew that his wife was been accuse of practizing witchcraft to. He told them that it was a nonces that that couldn't be possoble who would accuse her of that. What he did not know at that time is that the accuse was made by Abigal. So when he knew who said this he admitily thought that it was a revange against him because he had end the relantioship with Abigal. John try to defend Elizabeth his wife from this accusation but like things weren't going the way he wanted it to go. He confece in front of the minister that Abigal was lieng because she probebly was upset because he had end the relationship they both had. When John said this the minister wanted to talk with Elizabeth to ask her if she had any idea of what was going on with his husband and Abigal. Elizabeth dined ever knowing that his husband was chiting on him. That when things whent wrong because John had told the minister that his wife would never lie to anyone. So like she said that her husband had never don udultery the accusation that John did was prove to be false. So Elizabeth was to take back to jail and at the time John scream at her saying that he had tell everything.                           At the end Abigal desides to go and run away from there. But first asking John to come with her. John refuse to go so she left alone. John had his own problem with jail to he was accuse of witchcraft to because he was accuse by a girl name Mary that first accept that she was lieng about ever seing the devil. But then she join the group of girls that started with the lying ones again. And hystorical says that John has been after her day and night. That he has told her to sing the devils book. So because of this John also gets arrested and threten to be hang if he dosen't confess to be guilty. Even tought he gets ask by the minster and his wife to tell the true that he has contact with the devil. He first thinks about it and he dose dices to sing that paper that many others singn saying that they are guilty of what they are been accuse. When he sees the wagon of his friends passing by to be hang he looks at his wife and then desides that he wont confese and rips the paper. After that John Proctor gets hang like many others that didn't whant to confuse something they never did. Alot of inosent people got hang and nobody could do anythign if they wanted to safe them. All of this begin with a lie so thats why is good to always tell the true no matter how bad it is if is to save a inosent from been accuse of something they have no idea they ever did.     

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