Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Stand Up Speak Out"

                  To begin with there has been alot of sucides around the world. And some of that big percent would be the suicides of gay people and students that get bully in schools. Because of this wrong treat ment to them they attenmpt suicede and some do get to kill themself for that worthless reason. Thats also because maybe they didn't had support from there family or some support from there school too. This suicides can be stop if this people or students get help or support from there schools or families so they wont think that suicide is the only awnser to there life.           So the things the principles and families have to start doing is. Taking to this students about wahts going on in there life. Doing this they will feel better about thereselfs and not think that theres something wrong with them. An also when a student gets called names or gets in trouble because of another student. The principle should always talk to them first and discuss what was really going on. Because like always the good person would get the blaim and like his afraid about telling the true because the other students dretend him of telling the true. So thats why the school principle and workers should talk with one of them first so they wont have to see eachother. This way the bulling student would have more cofedent on telling the true that when the other buller is in the room. Also another thing that would work is talking with the buller parents so the principle might know something that might be happening in there life that might be pushing him to act this way. Doing this it will help not only the student been bully but the other students that are the bulliers. It will determand if the bullier needs help or if he is just passing through a rough time. This will help everyone out because it will prevent a bad thing from happening and it would help clear things out so it would never happen again.                      Now, the bad calling and bulling agains gay people is almost the same as just being bully because you are afraid of them or of defending yourself. So thats why all of those thing that people call you get into your head and turn to somethng that will push you to think of suicide. People or school students think of ending there life so all the pain there going trough would finish. But what they dont think of is the pain that they would cause on there families for doing that. They just want to escape reality and not be in the same world were they get treated bad and get hurt. To stop this the schools could talk to all of the students and explain how they should treat someone else that they think is different from them without hurting she/he. By this doing gay students would feel like they are being acepted. And even some of those gay students that are afraid of showing there true real selfs will get confident and finally reavile there self to there families and friends and stop going trough a bad time just by hiding themself from who they really are. Ans all of those pointless suicides that some people make other people think about would stop and safe alot of good and great people from passing trough.                     Everything in this world could come and be into a great thing if people would change it to a better thing. And that is by accepting the new changes in people and stop on hurting other people just for the fun of it. The only way this world can change an make people understand there surrondings is by trying to spend some time with those people that you think arent good or just dont want to accept there way of life. Because if this bad treat ment keeps going on then nothing is never going to change to a good way of living. The person that doesn't want to accept new change will just be waisting time trying to change something that would never change to the way they want it. So is better to just live a nice and peaceful life and not hurt anybody else that is tying to do the samething.                                        Finally this is just some ways to prevent suicides on normal peoples life. Because maybe there are people that handle it good without getting hurt. But there are other people or students in school that just cant handle the presure and end ther life for a worth less person that was hurting them. So thats why there has to be talks in school about treating other people no matter what they are like or what things thing like. Just make them understand that eveyone is equal nobody is different from other. And by treating someone bad wont change them and it wont lead you from doing a good thing to them. It just would lead you to hurting him/she and even leading them to attemp suicide or even worst get to accomplish it. That wouldn' tbe good to ahve that fault in your contious. So thats why schools and families of gay or bully studens should talk about waht is going on around them so the parents could have a clear view of what is going on with them if they need help on anythignor if tehy want to talk about anything with them.

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